Wednesday 30 January 2008

To all the Artists.

Dear Artists,

As Everibody can see our two websites are designed with the purpose of giving Artists a safe and very well known places with the opportunity to publish, showcase, and sell Your artworks.
Membership and using the websites is currently charged for all the year around of €.150.00 for:
and €.35.00 for:;both of them are open for everyone and everibody can choose one or the other or together.
We invite you to be amongst theyrs very first users and enjoy everything the sites and people working everyday at them have to offer to you and your work.
All the informations to:


Thursday 24 January 2008

Very Artworks By Mr. Giovanni Giordano.

On sale here in "Quovadisart"
Posted by Picasa

Friday 18 January 2008

LIDIA SCALZO IN "COLORI E MATERIA UNO"Vernissage: Venerdì 18 gennaio 2008 alle ore 19.30.

La Cetus
presenta la mostra personale di:
Lidia room > via dei latini 56 > roma tel. 06 4457515 > >
Via Mario de' Fiori n.26 in Roma.(Informazioni al tel. 06 69290987.
18.01.2008 al 12.2.2008, dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00.
La Quovadisart invita tutti i colleghi e clienti a far visita all'importante esibizione della nostra Collega Lidia.